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Host your website on PonyICU!


Consists of more than 5 alphabets and/or numbers.
If you already own a top-level domain, you can link it with your PonyICU hosting account in the control panel after your registration.
We'll never share your email with anyone else.
An ID that identifies yourself. Consists of 5-8 alphabets and/or numbers.

By using our service, you agree to our terms and conditions and privacy policy.

Before get started, please make sure you read this article first.


Is PonyICU hosting service really free?

Yes. You can host your website at zero-cost. No surveys, credit cards, or purchases required.

How long does it take to setup my hosting account?

Your hosting account is activated instantly as you first log in to your account in the control panel.

Why do you provide free hosting?

PonyICU provides free hosting service because we believe making everyone having the opportunity to start building a presence online for the variety of purposes is necessary regardless of the user's conditions or budgets.

Does PonyICU truly provide unlimited disk space & bandwidth for free?

Yes, we do, and it is possible through our trustable affiliate partnerships and other types of realistically provided resources altogether with unlimited disk space and bandwidth benefits.

I have created my free hosting account.

Thank you for creating a free PonyICU hosting account! Before get started, please make sure you read this article first.

Can I get a free subdomain?

Yes. Our Free hosting plan includes free subdomains to get started.

Can I host my own domain(s)?

Yes. You can host the domain name that you own on PonyICU. You can get your domain through our partnered domain registration services.

Can I earn money with your free hosting service, such as by adding advertisements?

Yes. We also post our content regarding the website monetization, which you can consider checking that out for your effective earning. Keep in mind that if you have enough income, we would highly recommend you to give thought to upgrade your hosting plan or use our other services!

Is my website required to be pony-related?

Nope. We allow users to host all kinds of websites that meet our rules.

I am looking forward to upgrading my hosting account.

Thank you for your consideration! This article would be helpful for you.

Host your website on PonyICU!

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